Teeth Whitening: Transform Your Smile with DentRoyal Dental Clinic in Izmir, Turkey
Why choose DentRoyal for teeth whitening?
Benefits of Teeth Whitening
Enhanced Confidence
Teeth whitening can help boost your self-esteem by giving you a smile you can be proud of. An increase in confidence helps you in both personal and professional settings.
Youthful Appearance
Improved Oral Hygiene
Social and Professional Advantages
How does teeth whitening work?
In-Office Teeth Whitening
Our In-office teeth whitening service is fast and effective. Our dentist will apply a special gel to your teeth and use a special light that activates the gel. This process typically takes about an hour and can whiten your teeth by several shades.
At-Home Teeth Whitening
At-home teeth whitening is a more convenient, go-at-your-own-pace option. Our dentist will provide bespoke trays and a special whitening gel you use at home. You’ll need to wear the trays for a certain amount of time each day for several weeks to achieve optimal results.
What to Expect During Your Teeth Whitening Treatment
How to maintain your white smile
After your teeth whitening treatment, it’s critical to practise good oral hygiene, such as:
Brush and Floss Regularly
Maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing daily. Brushing and flossing help remove plaque and prevent the build-up of stains on your teeth.
Avoid Stain-Causing Foods and Drinks
Certain foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-coloured berries, can stain your teeth. Limit your consumption of these items and rinse your mouth with water after consuming them.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is a significant contributor to tooth discolouration. Quitting smoking improves your overall health and helps maintain whiter teeth.